Page 5 |
10 2
8 5 3
  Bid is 5 D      
  N/S =6   E/W=2
K 7
9 8 7 |
6 5
J 10 |
A 9 8
K 9
Play of the hand |
   West has been endplayed and South wins the rest of the tricks easily.
If West returns a Spade they are finessing themselves. If they lead a Club, Dummy throws away a Spade and
Declarer ruffs in hand. Now the AS and Dummy's 3 trumps win the rest of the tricks.
   This hand is an example of an "Elimination Endplay". Declarer eliminated all of the other suits West
could lead, and then West was given a trick and then forced to commit suicide on the next lead. |
End Lesson
Advanced Lesson