1) |
West leads the QC and South wins with the King. |
2) |
Declarer leads the KS which holds. |
3) |
Declarer leads a low trump to the board's Jack. |
4) |
The JH is led, you and Declarer play low and West's King wins. |
5) |
West leads the JC to South's Ace. |
6) |
South leads a low Diamond to Dummy's King. |
7) |
A low Heart is led and you win with the Ace. |
8) |
No Clubs left so you return a Diamond won with the Ace. |
9) |
A low Spade is led to Declarer's Ace. |
10) |
South leads the QH and pitches Dummy's 7D! |
11) |
South leads a Diamond and ruffs on the board. |
12) |
Declarer gives up a club but still has a trump left in hand for their 10th trick. |
   Did you spot your defensive mistake yet? The key play is to win your Ace of
Hearts when the JH is led from the board on trick 4. You take the Jack, and partner's King later takes Declarer's Queen.
   Now Declarer can't throw away the board's loser Diamond and they're set! Your AH is never
going to take Declarer's QH, so your job is to make sure partner doesn't waste their high card. Second hand low
is only a suggestion not a command. |