Contract Bridge » Bridge Slam Story

Bridge Slam Stories

Slams are so Easy

   I was South. Once I showed a 4 card Spade suit, partner bid Blackwood to try for slam. When they bid a Heart slam, West decided to Double and partner Redoubled immediately. I thought, Wow, that must be some Heart suit to Redouble without my ever having shown Hearts.

   Partner started arranging their hand to put down as Dummy when I explained that I was the Dummy. "What! I thought you bid the Hearts first they cried; I bid slam since I had such great support for You". They turned a bit ashen when I told them I thought we were headed for a Spade slam and I never even showed 1 Heart.

   As it turned out, partner only had a 4 card Heart suit! Luckily it was 4 honors (hence the Redouble for "my" slam) and when I tabled 4 card Heart support for them another redoubled vulnerable slam was in the bag. Incidentally, we both had 4 Spades too but that slam would not have made since we were missing some of the high ones!

Sent in by F.M. of North Carolina



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Bridge Vulnerable Small Slam Story