MindRacer Publishing Shipping Charges

   Shipping charges on this order form are automatically calculated as items are selected. If this does not happen for you it is likely that you have javascript/scripting turned off in your browser. Turn it on with your tools menu (instructions), or add in the shipping manually, or submit the order form as is and we will email you back with the correct shipping charges, total, and payment information.

U.S. Regular Shipping
$0 - $5.00 = $1.50
$5.01 - $9.00 = $2.00
$9.01 - $15.00 = $2.50
$15.01 - $22.00 = $3.00
$22.01 - $35.00 = $3.75
$35.01 - $50.00 = $5.50
$50.01 - $65.00 = $6.00
$65.01 - $80.00 = $7.00
$80.01 - $100.00 = $8.00
$100.01 - $150.00 = $9.00
$150.01 - $200.00 = $11.00
$200.01   & over = $13.00
  U.S. Rush Shipping
$0 - $5.00 = $5.25
$5.01 - $9.00 = $5.50
$9.01 - $15.00 = $5.75
$15.01 - $22.00 = $6.00
$22.01 - $35.00 = $6.50
$35.01 - $50.00 = $8.75
$50.01 - $65.00 = $10.75
$65.01 - $80.00 = $12.25
$80.01 - $100.00 = $13.75
$100.01 - $150.00 = $15.25
$150.01 - $200.00 = $17.25
$200.01   & over = $19.25

(Playing card orders may be $1 or so more due to weight).

Canada Shipping
$0 - $6.00 = $6.50
$6.01 - $9.00 = $8.00
$9.01 - $11.00 = $9.50
$11.01 - $15.00 = $10.50
$15.01 - $20.00 = $12.00
$20.01 - $22.00 = $13.00
$22.01 - $24.00 = $15.00
$24.01   & over = notify you

Rush shipping is $20.00
for purchases up to $24.00.

  Other International Shipping
$0 - $5.00 = $10.50
$5.01 - $9.00 = $11.50
$9.01 - $11.00 = $12.50
$11.01 - $20.00 = $14.00
$20.01 - $22.00 = $15.00
$22.01 - $24.00 = $17.00
$24.01   & over = notify you

Rush shipping is $24.00
for purchases up to $24.00.

(Calendar orders may be more due to weight).
